Meeting brought to order by President L B Baker at
In attendance
Michael W.
Kidd/USA, Mauro Spinardi /Argentina,L.B.Baker/USA, James Houston/USA, Andy
Williamson/USA, Sevtlana Baker/USA, Marilia Coutinho/Brazil, Relma
Leinoneo/Finland, Jovko Kigsilainen/Finland, Steve Kylis/USA, Mark Vickers/USA,
Saul Salazar/Columbia,Daisy Kuischmann/Columbia, Kevin Eubanks/USA, Rocky
Old news ;N/A
Motion made by
L.B.Baker for new rule concerning fourth attempts. Seconded by Mark
Vickers.Discussion was that a third attempt must be listed as a good lift by two
or three white lights.Third attempt must fall within 20kgs.of current world
record. Passed 5 yes-0 no. Unanimous
Motion made by
L.B.Baker to discuss when the 60 second clock should stop for competition.
Seconded by Rocky Tilson. Discussion concerned when the time clock would stop
for the bench press. Comments made were clock would stop when lifter takes
control of the bar or if it should be when a command of start would be given.
The clock would stop when the command squat is given for the squat and on the
deadlift when the lifter begins the lift. Vote to leave all three lifts
concerning the 60 second clock to remain the same .Four yes and one no. Passed.
Motion made by
Jovko Kigsilaingn to change rules for commands of the bench press. Seconded by
L.B.Baker. Motion made by L.B.Baker to shelve for further discission. Seconded
by Mark Vickers. Vote made 5 yes 0 no. Unanimous.
Motion made by
Marilia Coutinho to discuss coaches help to the lifter on the platform. Seconded
by Rocky Tilson. Discussion that once lifter is on the platform the coach or
personal spotters to hand out weight will not be allowed to touch the lifter.
Motion by Marilia
Coutinho to add new rule that once lifter is on platform no one will be allowed
to touch the lifter. Seconded by Rocky Tilson. Vote taken 5 yes-0 no. Unanimous.
Motion made by
Marilia Coutinho to discuss movement of the head during the bench press.
Seconded by Saul Salazar. Discission that the movement of the head has no
positive affect on the bench press.
Motion made by
Marilia Coutinho to allow movement
of the head during the bench press. Seconded by
Saul Salazar. Vote taken 5 yes 0 no. Unanimous.
Motion made by
Keven Eubanks to discuss protective fabric for shins during deadlift. Seconded
by Rocky Tilson. Discussion that a protective fabric to cover shins from socks
to duct tape.
Motion made by
L.B.Baker to add new rule requiring a productive fabric to cover shins, one
layer, knee length up to the base of knee and not to cover knee.If knee wraps
are worn the protective fabric up to the base of knee wraps and not to cover
knee wraps. Seconded by Rocky Tilson. Vote taken 5 yes 0 no. Unanimous.
Proposal made by
L.B.Baker to pass GPA banner year to year from country hosting Worlds to the
country hosting the Worlds competition the following year. This year the banner
will pass from the USA to Argentina
for the 2012 competition.Seconded by
Marilia Coutinho.Vote taken 5 yes
0 no. Unanimous.
Proposal by
Marilia Coutinho to discuss
changing the adjustable height of the uprights on the bench press. Seconded by
Mark Vickers. Discussed that the adjustable height of the uprights be redesigned
to allow the bar height to have a lower range of three inches. Voted 5 yes 0 no.
Jovko Kigsilainen of Finland made a proposal to host the 2013 GPA Worlds Championship in Finland. Seconded by L/B.Baker. Voted 5 yes 0 no. Unanimous.
Meeting Adjourned
at 7:30 PM
Secretary of minutes: Michael W. Kidd