Global Powerlifting Alliance
Countries in Attendance:
Meeting began at 7:45 PM
Old Business:
A Raw Plus division was trialed at the 2014 GPA World Championships in Sydney, Australia. We will continue it in competitions and add the Raw Plus category as a new division. An email will be sent out to all affiliate GPA presidents with options for classifications, rules, and maintaining current records. A vote will be taken from that email regarding rules and records.
Motion: LB Baker
Second: Andy Williamson
Ayes have it.
New Business:
1. Eliminate requirement for long socks being used during the Dead Lift competition.
Motion: LB Baker
Second: Andy Williamson
Ayes have it.
2. Many more women are competing in the GPA. Add new weight categories, 100K and 100(+)K to accommodate women over 90 kilograms. (This addition will eliminate the 90(+)K weight category.)
Motion: LB Baker
Second: Andy Williamson
Ayes have it.
3. Add a drug tested division (GPAD) be added to the GPA.
Motion: LB Baker
Not enough interest for discussion. No vote.
4. Add a new weight bar option be added for bench only competition with specifications identical to the Texas Power Bar.
Motion: Ange Galati
Second: Andy Williamson
No votes. Did not pass.
Bids are officially open for hosting the 2016 GPA World Powerlifting Championships. Please contact GPA President, LB Baker, with proposals.
Motion to adjourn: LB Baker
Second: Andy Williamson
Ayes have it.
Meeting ended at 8:30 PM
Minutes by GPA Secretary, Dana Tripp