Global Powerlifting Alliance Meeting  2012


Delegates present from United States of America, Argentina, Australia, and Finland.


Start Time: 9:44 PM


Old Business: None


New Business:


1.    Template or system to be created for organizing and running a competition that will be consistent for all countries.


            Ayes have it.


2.    Categories for all future GPA Powerlifting Competitions. These categories are currently in practice for the APC.







            Ayes have it.


3.    Suggestion was made to allow wrist wrap loops/straps to be worn during competition.


            Ayes have it.


4.    GPA Championships will be held in Finland for 2013.


5.    Australia entered bid to host the 2014 GPA Championships in Sydney, Australia.


            Ayes have it.


6.    Conduct Rules: No alcoholic or intoxicating substances shall be consumed by anyone on site during competition from the start of the event until it’s conclusion.  No one may attend the event that is under the influence of an intoxicating substance.


            Area defined as:

                        Spectator area

                        Warm up area

                        Competition area


            Violators will be permanently expelled from the GPA. Violators are classified drunken, disorderly, belligerent, or bringing an intoxicating substance on premises.


            Ayes have it.


7.    Can competitors expelled by the GPA petition the GPA board to participate at a later date?


            Ayes have it.


8.    Suggestion from Finland: Add a Start command during the benchpress competition.


            Motion seconded by Garry Glenn.


            3 Ayes

            10 Nays


            Did not pass.


9.    Motion made my Argentina: All weight class and age groups should compete on same day if competing in multiple categories.


            Motion was seconded by Garry Glenn.


            Ayes have it.


Meeting adjourned at 10:57 PM.


Minutes written by GPA Secretary Dana Tripp
