Meeting called to order by President Leonardo Cavaglia  at 2100 hrs.

 Countries in attendance:




1.  New Chrys Tu GPA/IPO Formula for body weight.

The new formula, the attendees asked to see how it works in some explanation in order to understand it a little more.

2.  Existing rule, Drawing lots at weigh-in.

All attendees agree with this point . 

 3.  Discuss Ukraine bid for 2022 World Championships. and bids for 2023 and 2024.

Everyone agrees and the attendees vote affirmatively with Ukraine 2022, Brazil 2023, China 2024 to continue respecting what was spoken at AGM 2017 a World Championship on each continent

4.  China, Chrys Tu, China GPA has made a tentative bid for the 2023 GPA/IPO World Championships in Shanghai, China

*The assistants asked that the realization of the World Championships be in writing one year in Eastern Containers and another year in Western Continents, that is a great help for athletes

*Brazil proposed for athletes that their countries are not affiliated with GPA IPO they can attend a World Championship by paying an extra fee on the World Championship registration.

The meeting was adjourned at 2140hrs.

