Global Powerlifting Alliance




Countries in Attendance:






Meeting began at 4:45 PM


Old Business:


Make Raw (Without Knee Wraps) an official category in GPA for powerlifting.  It was successfully trialed in Australia in 2014 and used again in the USA in 2015.


Motion:  Andy Williamson

Second:  Garry Glenn

Ayes have it.


New Business:


1.      Discussion to allow use of liquid chalk during GPA competitions.  Decision was made to prohibit use of liquid chalk during a GPA competition.


Motion:  LB Baker

Second:  James Houston 

Ayes have it.


2.     Allow knee sleeves (from above the knee to below the knee) to be a total length of 30 cm just like the current rule for knee wraps.


Motion:  Andy Williamson

Second:  Anna Khudayarov

Ayes have it.


3.     Clarification: The current rule regarding singlets, zippers are not allowed in singlets in GPA.


4.     Clarification: A lifter may only use one set of single ply knee sleeves or single ply knee wraps. They may not be layered.





Future GPA World Competitions will be held in the following countries:


2016 – Russia

2017 – Argentina

2018 – Republic of Georgia


Motion to adjourn:  Andy Williamson

Second:  LB Baker

Ayes have it.


Meeting ended at 5:35 PM



Minutes by GPA Secretary, Dana Tripp

